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  What is the Acceptance Criteria of HEPA?


  The approach most test standards take regarding acceptance criteria isthat the acceptable leak size limitsare ultimately determined by the customerand supplier. However, a scan test leak size limit of greater than or equal to0.01% has generally been adopted for many applications utilizing HEPA flters orclean areas of varying classifcations. Although the 0.01% leak size has beenused historically and has its origins linked to early generation analog photometertest equipment, establishing a leak size limit of 0.01% as an acceptancecriteria without performing a science and risk-based assessment can result inissues relating to leak testing and can contribute to signifcant operationalcosts if an out of tolerance or failed condition is identifed in a low riskarea. As previouslynoted in Section 6.5, flters are not 100% efcient and areexpected to have some natural or integral penetration of particles near theMPPS. Test acceptance limits become more controversial or problematic whenutilizing lower-rated HEPA flters where the acceptable factory penetration ator near MPPS can be comparable to or larger than the feldtest leak sizeacceptance criteria. This is especially true where the bleed through e?ectcan occur (see Section 6.9).When purchasing a flter, it is thereforeimportant to consider a flter’s rating as well as how it will be tested after installationin order to avoid unnecessary feld test failures.

  ISO 14644-3 [33]提供了有關(guān)如何實施泄漏替代標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的指南。 在基于風(fēng)險的方法中,理想的接受標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是,該接受標(biāo)準(zhǔn)可以反映所使用過濾器的效率或所測試房間的潔凈度。 ISO 14644-3使用工廠過濾效率等級作為接受標(biāo)準(zhǔn)協(xié)商的基礎(chǔ)。光度計泄漏測試和基于粒子計數(shù)器的泄漏測試的泄漏接受標(biāo)準(zhǔn)應(yīng)該相同,因為兩種方法背后的理論和方法是相同的。如果執(zhí)行得當(dāng),使用光度計和粒子計數(shù)器進行的泄漏測試將得到相同的泄漏率結(jié)果(Meek等,2011 [121])。


  ISO 14644-3 [33] gives guidance on how alternative leak acceptancecriteria can be implemented. In a risk-based approach, it may be ideal to haveacceptance criteria that trends with the eficiency of the flters being used orthecleanliness of the room being tested. ISO 14644-3 uses the factory flter efciency rating as the basis of acceptancecriteria negotiation. The leak acceptancecriteria for a photometer leak test and a particle counter based leaktestshould be the same, as the theory and methodology behind leak sizing isidentical for both methods. If performedproperly, a leak test with a photometerand a particle counter will result in the same leak size (Meek, et al., 2011[121]).


  A leak detected in excess of 0,01 % of the upstream massconcentration is deemed to exceed themaximum allowable penetration. However,for filter systems of an integral efficiency at MPPS ≥ 99,95 %and less than99,995 %, the acceptance criterion is 0,1 %.

  如果要測試 MPPS 整體效率低于 99.95% 的過濾系統(tǒng),則根據(jù)客戶和供應(yīng)商之間的協(xié)議,需要不一樣的接受標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

  If filter systems of an integral efficiency lower than 99,95 %at MPPS are to be tested, a different acceptance criterion are necessary, basedon agreement between customer and supplier.


  The flters for depyrogenation tunnel

  安裝到去熱原隧道中的過濾器需要經(jīng)受長時間的高溫操作,因此不適用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)過濾器。廠家使用陶瓷材料用于濾材與邊框的密封可提供耐受350℃的對0.3 μm顆粒的效率為99.99%的特殊過濾器(注,F(xiàn)DA對HEPA的定義為> 99.97%@0.3 μm)。最近,可用的材料有了進步,并且引入了柔性密封劑,可以減少加熱時間并降低密封劑開裂的風(fēng)險。傳統(tǒng)的過濾器需要具有受控的加熱和冷卻速度(通常不超過1℃/分鐘;應(yīng)與過濾器供應(yīng)商確認(rèn)該速率),以防止熱應(yīng)力損壞密封件。通常,在不使用期間,系統(tǒng)會保持高溫,以減少過濾器的加熱循環(huán)。

  The flters ftted to a depyrogenation tunnel are subject toprolonged periods of high temperature operation, so standard flters are notsuitable. Special flters rated to 350°C are available with a manufacturerguaranteed efciency of 99.99% for 0.3 μm particles (note that the FDA defnitionof a HEPA is > 99.97% at 0.3 μm) at a temperature of 350°C) with a ceramicmaterial used for the media to frame seal. Recently there have been advances inthe materials available and ?exible sealants are being introduced that canreduce the heat up time and reduce the risk of sealant cracking. Traditionalflters need to have a controlled heat up and cool down time (typically not toexceed 1°C per minute; the rate should be confrmed with the flter supplier) toprevent heat stress damage to the seals. Often the systems are maintained hotduring periods of non-use to reduce the heat cycling on the flter.



  Filters used for depyrogenation tunnel are generally H14. Theseflters can be full face scan leak tested on installation, but after the initialheating cycle (burning in the flter, which usually results in the flter gradebecoming equivalent to H13) traditional testing is not recommended. The oilaerosol (if it is Polyalphaolefn (PAO)) will load onto the flter and burn o?,giving o?unhealthy fumes, and may load the flter media; this is usually more fragileafter burn in as the binder holding the media together has o?-gassed.DEHS (Diethylhexyl Sebacate) is an alternative oil that may evaporatefaster.



  8.67 Dry heat sterilisation/depyrogenation tunnels should be configured to ensure that airflow protects the integrity and performance of the grade A sterilising zone by maintaining appropriate pressure differentials and airflow through the tunnel. Air pressure difference profiles should be assessed. The impact of any airflow change should be assessed to ensure the heating profile is maintained. All air supplied to the tunnel should pass through at least a HEPA filter and periodic tests (at least biannually) should be performed to demonstrate air filter integrity...


  8.70 Dry heat ovens are typically employed to sterilise or depyrogenate primary packaging components, starting materials or active substances but may be used for other processes. They should be maintained at a positive pressure relative to lower grade clean areas throughout the sterilisation and post sterilisation hold process unless the integrity of the packaging is maintained. All air entering the oven should pass through a HEPA filter...



